A Writing Journey – Part 3 of 8
I’m a week late with an update, so this may end up a 7 part journey. I can’t change that now.
I’m almost at 10 thousand words in my story. It has to be at least 15 thousand, but I can’t fit the rest into 5 thousand words. Here’s to writing a longer story than anticipated.
Yet I’m still behind. I’m worried about my deadline. And I’m worried about the professional editing. And really. What’s a deadline, but added stress and potential negative mark on my reputation if I miss it?
I’m trying to slow down the steamy scenes per advice from several readers. I also changed the cover inspiration a bit. I realized one of the characters is not white. Though, I’m writing it without skin description. So as the reader, you can put whatever person you want in the roles, especially since there won’t be a cover for the story in the anthology. I heartily apologize to the readers who need the extra details.

This week I’m on the road, traveling for the Thanksgiving Holidays in the U.S.A. First stop is my home town to celebrate my Mom’s birthday and have my extended family’s Thanksgiving meal. I’m sitting in my cousin’s home writing, while the kid plays with his cousin. I love that my son can play with my cousin’s son. It brings me great joy.

Tomorrow I will travel to my sister-in-law’s house and stay until Friday. My hope is to have the story finished and editing started before we travel back home.
Now, I need to continue my characters’ journey. They have to find a brother, travel some more, and call forth the dead. All in a day’s work. Right?