I recently received and email from NaNoWriMo with the subject line “Your story is calling…” The anxiety that formed from that simple subject line was gut wrenching. And it’s true. My story is calling. It is always in the back of my mind scratching to be written. At the same time this email is inspiring. Your story is calling. It is so simple and easily forgotten. Our lives are engulfed with work, family, friends, and chores. We are pulled by promises of entertainment from television and the internet. At times we step into that entertainment. We put down that pen. Ignore our story.
I have no clue where my story will even go sometimes. Even with my feeble outline, the story strays from the original plot. And that is what makes writing, makes our stories, so exciting. We can surprise ourselves. Growing with the words as they pour onto the page and fueling the motivation of our soul. Or my soul.
I say ‘we’ as if everyone feels this way. As if you reading this feels this way. But the truth is my story is calling. I need to listen to the call. Answer the call especially when motivation is taking a hiatus. Lack of motivation is an excuse, a type of procrastination. My goal is to procrastinate my procrastination. So I have the time to listen, the time to write.
Let us all stop and listen for our stories. They are calling us by name. They are pulling at our hearts. Remember – Your story is important.
Great post! Love the “stop and listen for our stories” part. That’s a great way to put it.
I got that email too, and it stopped me quite a bit. It was during a time when I was so busy that I hadn’t been writing lately.