I signed up for a 2 day writer’s workshop during DragonCon this year. May and July was busy as I prepared a 7,000 word excerpt from my novel to be submitted for review by the workshop teacher (and all the other students). August is filled with reading and reviewing my classmates excerpts and short stories. Add on work and family obligations, I’m a little busy.
In contrast, my husband, the EE, is building a cosplay. He’s going to walk in the DragonCon parade over Labor Day weekend. And in staying true to himself, he started it 2 weeks out from the event (last week).
So I wanted to share his progress. He has all the major parts, but he still has electronic pieces coming in the mail daily. And he is using his design from last year to help with his current costume. His costume from last year is first. The GameBoy!
He is working hard on the electronic portion of the build. There is a soldering iron on my new table. Grrr. While the GameBoy costume played music and had a fan for cooling, this one will go a step further. LED lights. Ooh. Aaah. But I don’t want to give it away before it’s finished. So below you will see what is accomplished.
So now I shall wait and see how much he can get done in…7 days. He has 7 days to complete the build. And work. And a 4 yr old. And me. Good luck my EE. May the odds be ever in your favor.
Disclaimer: The formatting might be terrible. I am creating and posting this post from my phone.